Lisha Tan
Lisha’s passion for illustration and story-driven animation consistently leads her to create captivating, award-winning work. A love for traditional cel…
Lisha Tan

Dua Lipa "Hallucinate"
Dua Lipa "Hallucinate"

Variety "10 Animators to Watch"
Variety "10 Animators to Watch"

Apex Legends "Season 2: Battle Charge Launch Trailer"
Apex Legends "Season 2: Battle Charge Launch Trailer"

Jay-Z "The Story of O.J."
Jay-Z "The Story of O.J."

Garena "El Origen"
Garena "El Origen"
Lisha’s passion for illustration and story-driven animation consistently leads her to create captivating, award-winning work.
A love for traditional cel and stop motion techniques influence her process. When she’s not directing or designing stand-out characters, Lisha keeps her creativity at the forefront working on her own brand of ceramics, LilChotchke. Lisha has directed eight of the electrifying Respawn Entertainment ‘Apex Legends’ season campaigns, which has garnered over 20 millions views. She has also been profiled in Billboard and Rolling Stone both for her work on JAY-Z ‘The Story of OJ’ and recently directing the music video for Dua Lipa’s smash hit ‘Hallucinate’.