Filmed over two days in the scenic landscapes of Vancouver on a ranch owned by a former stuntman, the commercial, under the creative vision of directors Dave Laden and Christopher Gruse, features two adventure seekers who magically grow mullets upon entering the Kawasaki RIDGE. Our expertise in CG FX, grooming, and lighting shines as each character and creature’s hair growth simulations were meticulously crafted. Innovative 2D compositing techniques were used to integrate these simulations seamlessly, creating a lifelike and engaging visual experience.
Behind the Scenes
“We’re thrilled to have worked on this unique project with Kawasaki, our team used the latest in-house grooming tools and pipeline to ensure each mullet was perfectly tailored to match the characters’ personalities and styles. The collaboration with the agency and directors was instrumental in infusing the spot with the right balance of humor and adventure, making it a standout piece for this year’s Super Bowl.”
Creative Director, Christian Nielsen

The Super Bowl is not just a sporting event; it’s a showcase of the advertising industry’s best work. This collaboration with Kawasaki showcases our commitment to always harnessing creativity and technology in the most innovative ways. We’re excited to add this piece to our Super Bowl ad legacy.
President, Mark Benson