Balenciaga – Always On

Photographed in several cities around the world by the famous Stef Mitchell, the brand’s iconic products such as the Le…
Balenciaga "Always On"
Case Study

Client: Balenciaga
Roxage Léger, Adrienne Moenkediek
, Joaquim Vos

Director: Steff Mitchell
Editor: Maxime Didelot

Post-Producer: Mickaël Camus
Flame: Sebastien Kremer, Aurelien Teurlai, Ewan Bouché, Damien Peiro, Alexis Baillia

Motion: Julien Pinot, Hugo Guerrero, Cyril Hiard, Jean-Martin Mossu, Maxime Orsini, Manon Baillet, Agathe Sayegh
Colorourist:Magali Leonard, Nicolas Guibert, Sebastien Mingam, Bertrand Duval
Colourist assistant: Loïc Lavaux
Planning: Annabel Akerboom

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